Saturday, January 22, 2011


Chapter 22

"The chief thing is, not to know what God has said we must do, but that God Himself says it to us. It is not the law, and not the book, not the knowledge of what is right, that works obedience, but the personal influence of God and His living fellowship. And even so it is not the knowledge of what God has promised, but the presence of God Himself as the Promiser, that awakens faith and trust in prayer."

Thanks, A.M., for this common but crucial reminder that the Word of God is actually WORDS FROM GOD. He has not only spoken them, but He still speaks them today. The Word is current to us because the author is still speaking from His heart through His book. This reminds us that as we learn to pray, the Word should be vital to us because it is an incredible avenue to communicate with God. If one of the big points is to pray the will of God, then the Bible should become part of our language and response to God in intercession.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a crucial point and I totally agree with Murray where he contrasts study of the Word WITHOUT fellowship with God to the reading of the Word IN the presence of God. Huge difference! I am trying to learn to be patient and listen for the living voice of God to speak into my heart, as opposed to what I read getting stuck in my brain.

    On another note,
    "If I do what God says, God will do what I say." Seriously??
