Saturday, January 8, 2011


Chapter 8

"Nothing is at first so strange to us that God should really really require perservering prayer, that there should be a real spiritual needs-be for importunity. To teach it us, the Master uses this almost strange parable. If the unfriendliness of a selfish earthly friend can be conquered by importunity, how much more will it avail with the heavely Friend, who does so love to give, but is held back by our spiritual unfitness, our incapacity to possess what He has to give."

I realize this is not the quote that most of us would want on a bumper sticker, especially the last part. What is important to focus on, though, is not our lack of maturity in the place of prayer, but on God's willingness to teach us and provide for us in that lack. The real gem of this parable is what Murray pointed out in the aforementioned quote - that if the friend who is selfish gives what is needed, then HOW MUCH MORE will our loving heavenly Father give to those in need?! Never think that God is suggesting that we take the characteristics of the selfish friend and create our image of God Himself. We are to see the difference, and that difference is meant to be the fuel for prayer and the comfort when there is a delay in the answer to prayer.

It is the fuel because we should be excited to pray to a God who is generous, loving, and willing to help us in our times of need. Further, He is also loving and generous not only to us but also to the ones that we are interceding for. It is the comfort during delay because we are so often tempted to lose sight of God's loving nature when we do not get what we want. Silence from heaven is often when the enemy speaks the loudest, so we must hold fast to the reality that God is better than the selfish friend, even when we do not get our own way.

It is already week 2 in this book - hope you are liking it!


  1. I love the way this parable gives us a confidence in the goodness of God and at the same time a mindset that persevering is what's best for us sometimes.

    I also really like what murray said about us being quick to help and intercede for our friends in need. Giving even in our poverty because we know that we have a Friend who is generous as well.

    "There it is seen whether my friendship with the needy is so real, that I will take time and sacrifice my rest, will go even at midnight and not cease until I have obtained for them what I need. There it is seen whether my friendship with God is so clear, that I can depend on Him not to turn me away and therefore pray on until He gives."

  2. prayer is an appeal to the friendship of God, and then to our friendship of others in need.

    "prayer is the royal power a child of God exercises in heaven on behalf of other and even of the kingdom"

    the confidence that you will be able to give to others because of your faith is really quite satisfying.
