prayer blog again
chapter 6
"But Will not such teaching discourage the feeble one? If we are first to answer to this portrait of a child, must not many give up all hope of answers to prayer? The difficulty is removed if we think again of the blessed name of father and child. A child is weak; there is a great difference among children in age and gift. The Lord does not demand of us a perfect fulfillment of the law; no, but only the childlike and whole-hearted surrender to live as a child with Him in obedience and truth. Nothing more. But also, nothing less. The Father must have the whole heart. When this is given, and He sees the child with honest purpose and steady will seeking in everything to be and live as a child, then our prayer will count with Him as the prayer of a child."
This is such an exciting truth to realize and believe; becoming a child of God is not about our performance but our surrender. God knows our weakness, but still He loves us and keeps us as His children. No one would go to great lengths and great sacrifice to send help to someone who does not need it. Only the weakened, imperfect ones need help. In the same light, God would not have sent His Son to us if we were not in need. Yet, because He did, then we must realize that He realizes our imperfect state. Thus, His love and acceptance of us began when we were weak, and it will continue forever.
Our prayer lives will change when we live as children accepted by Christ instead of children wanting to be accepted by Christ. If we have given our hearts to Him to be Lord and set up residency, then we are His children, and if we are His children, then He will give us the HOW MUCH MORE type blessings in prayer.
If we could just get rid of all doubt that God has more to give... how would the world change?
ReplyDeleteI loved this quote (apparently bc I wrote it down): "Fatherlike giving is the Divine response to childlike living"
Not gonna lie, this chapter and the last Murray seemed to describe this goal of attaining a perfect childlike state or else you will miss out, as if you have to do it right. Maybe God is just saying, no pressure, only opportunity--you can, and will, miss out on your own good only if you so choose. I guess if you are really trying you won't miss out. Hmm.