Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year Everyone! Today begins our reading of Andrew Murray's, With Christ in the School of Prayer. This book was instrumental in my life as I was desperately seeking help from anyone who could teach me about prayer. I want to recognize that the language and style that he writes in is different than what many of us might be used to. However, I believe we are all capable of grasping the truths in these pages as we read and seek help from the Holy Spirit. Also, if you forget to read or miss a few days for other reasons, just do your best because the more you read the more you will learn. As always, no pressure, just opportunity here!

I hope that this blog will serve as both a reminder for you to read and a platform for you to ask questions/make comments. In reality, it would be best if your questions and comments were directed toward one another in conversation around the office. Yet, if you do want to go the electronic route, here you go.

My plan is to choose a quote or an idea from the daily chapter and highlight it here on the blog. Here is the first one....

Chapter One:
'Let but the deep undertone of all our prayer be the teachableness that comes from a sense of ignorance, and from faith in Him as a perfect teacher, and we may be sure we shall be taught, we shall learn to pray in power. Yes, we may depend upon it, He teaches to pray.'

What a brilliant reminder, that the burden is upon the Lord to teach us as we place ourselves in a position to learn from Him. We are the ones who must receive, and He is the one that has promised to teach us. If He has promised to teach us then we know that He will be true to His word; If He commands us to pray, then we know that He will generous to us with the passion He has for prayer. This makes want me want to learn from God, because I realize that He desires to teach me. May His desire be our fuel to humble ourselves and learn from Him.


  1. I was really struck by the quote you mention here also. In the past, when people tell me, "I don't know how to pray", I have been very quick to throw out the simplicity of talking to God about whatever, whenever, wherever. He just wants to have a conversation with you.

    When I read this chapter it sank deeper in me, the honest truth that I'm not all that great at praying myself. This is a confession that is hard to say due to pride, but I think admitting my ignorance and having a teachable attitude is the only way to get better.

    Good idea clay and bob to take this journey together! I'm excited!


  2. I love that this is the "next step." So many times I think about "I don't know how to pray about that" so I won't honestly. This is such a good reminder that He always has us moving forward-whether we know where to go or not.
