Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Chapter 18:

"Prayer is not merely the cry of the suppliant for mercy; it is the highest forth-putting of his will by man, knowing himself to be of Divine Origin, created for and capable of being, in king-like liberty, the executor of the counsels of the Eternal."

"As image-bearer and representative of God on earth, redeemed man has by his prayers to determine the history of this earth. Man was created, and has now again been redeemed to pray, and by his prayer to have dominion."

Just trying to get my mind around this....

PS - crazy how Murray must have listened to Steve Thompson's messages, isn't it?


  1. This chapter was amazing. But, the thing I find even more amazing is that Clay was able to make this post while drumming during 7:30 prayer. Do you have an app for that?

  2. I know, I found that amazing too Aaron! I think the times are kings whack on blogspot. Anyway... here is my response:

    1. I thought you had us read this bc it repeated Steve Thompsons message (in part at least)
    2. The more we meditate on what God is, the more we can conceive of what man is to be!
    4. prayer is the CHIEF means of obtaining blessings also woah.
    5. the worship of creation by man is also His design ---> found that interesting. Makes the pagans make more sense, if it is a natural inclination we may be destined to be a part of. And our awe of anything in nature.


  3. -My first thought was this sounds exactly like Steve's message (with a little more sacrifice involved).

    -"Ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.’ Such a promise does by no means, in the first place, refer to the grace or blessing we need for ourselves. It has reference to our position as the fruit-bearing branches of the Heavenly Vine, who, like Him, only live for the work and glory of the Father."
    I love the perspective throughout the book on praying primarily for the blessing of others!

    -I'm a little confused about the worship of the creation statement at the end... romans 1:25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
